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b-Key Points to the Practice of Tai Chi 24-Form-Style Simplified
To start:
Relax the whole body, keep the back neck up-right, rid of all thoughts, and keep your mind focused, breath naturally.
When bending your knees and down-suppressing your palms, keep your upper body up-right, without any leaning forward or backward, make sure your hands coordinate with the up-and-down movement of your arms and the stretch-and-bend movement of your legs, together with coordinated that is breathing thin-and-long (or deep).
Be sure the steps are light, body gravity remains on hind foot (leg), and slow in moving it forward to the fore leg. Palm-divides and bow-steps are to finish simultaneously. Chest should be in slightly-in-ward-bend gesture, arms form and keep circular shape.
Knee Hold-ups and Foot Twists:
The movement of holding hand and pushing palm should coordinate with the shift of your body gravity, make sure your up body not leaning forward, elbow slightly bends, in the process of your right hand bypassing your ear and continue to push out (forward), make sure the wrist changes gradually from straight gesture to sitting gesture, and from palm and finger forward pointing to, after passing by ear, the palm-heel forward pushing.
Be sure not to hurry in arm movement as you step forward, but to coordinate with the shift of your body gravity, ensuring the simultaneity, while left arm bends naturally and right arm slightly props-out.
Single Whip:
Make sure the upper body left turn happens at the same time as the body gravity shifts left.
High Probing Horse
Before the following-up-step steps out, the body gravity should first start slightly to shift to the left leg, but do not raise your gravity, rather keep it on your left leg, so that your following-up-step is steady and firm.
While both arms down-ward-drawing the circle, be sure your body does not lean forward, and be slow in ending your leg movement. Same is with your left foot.
Left-Down-Gesture and Standing:
When ???, make sure left leg does not stretch too far, and ensure the gravity is on your right leg while left foot inward-twists. The right is the same.
Left-and-Right Shuttling:
The speed of right hand getting-on-the rack and left hand forward-pushing happens at the same time as you shift your body gravity forward; make sure your hands and your feet arrive at the same time. Pay attention to left arm not to be too straight, rather slightly bend.
Take heed when you are doing palm-crossing that your upper body do not lean forward, and you should avoid head-down-ward-facing and chest outward pushing.
When sitting back your gravity, your palm faces upward.
Gravity-shift should be level, without ups-and-downs, tip of both of your toes faces forward, as you stretch and slightly kick your right leg, the gravity shits to the left leg. The width of the opening of your feet should be the same as that from one of your shoulder to the other. Hands form a cross with palm facing you face.
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